Debunking Myths About Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) has had a dramatic impact on
numerous industries in its short life. Some of the most prominent include
retail, finance, media, and healthcare. Organizations in developed countries
across the world are enjoying the freedom of not having to hire workers to
complete manual, tedious tasks. That is because AI has made it possible to
automate them as well as predict future buying trends with machine
AI is Here to Stay and Only Getting
Markets and Markets, a nationwide research firm, estimates a
growth in the AI market to $5.05 billion by the year 2020. This is due to many
companies willing to take a chance on natural language processing and machine
learning technologies. It can also be attributed to consumers enthusiastically
embracing the Internet of Things (IoT). By as early as 2018, industry experts
predict that six billion connected computers, smartphones, and other devices
will request assistance from an AI platform.
Despite all the promise of AI, the marketing industry has
been slow to embrace it. Some believe that it would require too much work to
implement it and others feel that working with AI involves the simple flip of a
switch. The truth lies somewhere in between.
Challenging the Myths of AI
understandable that marketers feel hesitant to embrace something as large and
powerful as AI. Even so, many of their fears simply aren’t realistic. If you’re
a marketer wanting to make more accurate predictions about consumer behavior
and better identify your target market, you owe it to yourself to separate
myths from truth when it comes to AI.
1. AI implementation doesn’t mean excessive work for your in-house marketing
team. It requires
little effort to implement when set up properly. The biggest challenge will be
to determine the most important goals and establish access to applicable
streams of data. At this stage, AI providers determine value and identify any
2. Marketers can reap the benefits of AI quickly but should expect a longer
refinement process.
Implementing AI doesn’t need to take a lot of time or resources, but it’s more
involved than flipping a switch. Anticipate that it will take time to establish
machine learning and algorithms and to know which data insights
are most helpful. If you establish a realistic timeline, you should do just
fine implementing AI.
3. AI and big data are not the same. Perhaps your company already uses big data to improve the
targeting of customers and make marketing campaigns more effective. This
differs from AI. When you use AI, you can fully automate marketing processes
and see the results improve steadily over time. Companies new to AI should
realize these differences and make sure they realize the benefits of both big
data and AI.
4. You don’t have to be a large, established company to implement AI. To reap its benefits, it’s important
to embrace all that it offers as early as possible. If you fail to get onboard,
you risk losing customers to the competition that has been using AI all along.
5. AI can’t replace human beings. The purpose of AI is to enhance the human experience, not
replace it. It’s true that marketing roles may change slightly, but the need
for skilled, creative, and intelligent human workers isn’t going anywhere.
Improve Customer Engagement with AI
By deciding
to take advantage of AI rather than resist it due to fear, marketers can target
their customers easier and more efficiently. That is because AI makes it
possible to deliver a customized message in the right channel at the most
effective time.
While you as
a marketer may fear AI, consumers in the modern era have overwhelmingly
indicated that they want to experience its benefits. In a recent study
conducted by Sonar, 70 percent of Americans in the millennial generation said
they would prefer a retailer or brand using AI-powered technology to show them
the most interesting products. Additionally, 72 percent feel that brands will
be able to effortlessly predict what they want as AI technology develops.
It’s almost
2018 and time to let go of inefficient marketing tactics. Say good-bye to
relying on intuition and let big data and algorithms do the work of bringing
dynamic and personalized physical stores to the online landscape of the modern
consumer. This enables your company to get ahead of the competition while
establishing essential customer loyalty at the same time.
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