AI Application at Every Stage of Marketing
In the summer of 2017, a State of Marketing Report released
by Salesforce indicated that it expects artificial intelligence (AI) to be the
most explosive technology in terms of growth. The organization Accenture echoed
that sentiment around the same time when it predicted that AI will generate 14
trillion dollars of economic value between now and 2035.
These well-known companies in the marketing industry were
just two of thousands of others releasing articles and reports urging people in
all industries, especially marketing, to incorporate AI into its everyday
practices. Although no one can miss the urgency of this message, how to
accomplish it remains unclear.
It seems obvious to say that marketers should be using AI.
Although it’s not magic, it’s an essential tool with numerous applications that
can bring marketing to the next level. However, the public remains unaware of
most of its applications while paying attention to only a select few.
According to information released by Buzzsumo, most articles
that readers share from its network involve chatbots and other types of AI
automation. Although analytics is just as important, it has received less
attention from marketers and consumers. Put together, all parts of AI represent
just one piece of a much larger puzzle.
For businesses to succeed, they must discover a way to use
and balance the two different types of AI. This include technological uses such
as chatbots and automation as well as analytics that provide rich insights.
This will enable them to build a powerful stack of AI.
Below, we describe four complementary AI functions that
marketers should use to create dynamic and scientific stories that will allow
them to reach their income goals.
By enabling analytics, you can know
at a deep level where your brand currently stands as well as how your
competitors are doing in comparison. Additionally, AI analytics enables you to
determine which messages will likely resonate with customers before delivering
One of the main advantages of analytics AI is that it gives
direction to your strategy. It tells you how well your brand performs in the
larger context while comparing it to your competitors at the same time. You
also learn more about the people who care most about your company’s brand and
what they repeat to their friends. AI analytics identifies the most prolific
months for conversation about your brand and which messages had the greatest
impact on them. This enables you to better determine your market strategy as
well as understand the competition.
Appeal to the sensibilities of your
customers by creating and distributing dynamic campaigns
After you determine which of your marketing messages have the
most power, you now must implement them. Automation with AI makes it easier.
You have literally dozens of choices of automated services and platforms that
allow you to create contextual and personalized marketing campaigns based on
the behavior of online users. You have probably already seen examples of this
with Curata, IBM Watson, and CaliberMind that reach large audiences with
messages tailored just for them.
Best of all, automated AI is flexible enough to allow you to
change campaigns in real time to reflect changes such as product updates or a
different marketing strategy. With AI automation, your business can quickly
make a big impact.
Use AI to measure the traction of
your messages and make changes to the narrative of your product
Knowing how well your marketing efforts are working requires
you to have in-depth information. It must go beyond how many times people liked
or shared the content on social media or listening in on conversations on your
company website. That is because people often view ads and read their content
without ever clicking through to a corresponding link. When they do click the
link, they don’t always engage with the message.
You can only understand the effectiveness of your marketing
efforts by analyzing how narratives about your business change over time. This
is where analytics AI comes into play. You can continue to make messaging
decisions using the same technology that enabled you to make initial decisions.
Use Chatbots to Give Your Customers
Consistent Support
Using AI in
marketing is not without its challenges. However, that doesn’t take away from
the value it adds until the time these challenges no longer exist. Automation
allows you to carry out your campaigns while analytics makes it possible to
make more strategic decisions. At the same time, chatbots provide current and
potential customers with a resource for their questions. Using this many layers
of AI leaves your customers feeling like they have the complete support of your
brand, which is something your company should always try to achieve.
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