Influencing Brand Experience Through Call Intelligence

As a marketer, you’re probably familiar with the concept of using a software program to understand why customers call your company. That is because many companies use call tracking to determine the effectiveness of a marketing campaign. The idea is to dedicate a specific phone number to each campaign to make it easier to track results.
Knowing why customers call is important, but it’s not enough. With the variety of ways that customers have to find your company’s products and services, you need a tool that helps you break through the complexity to find actionable data. If a prospective customer used both the Internet and telephone to learn about your organization, his or her journey often becomes fragmented from a marketer’s perspective.
It’s difficult at best to analyze the customer’s journey using only insight from the campaign level. This leaves companies that offer call tracking software scrambling to find the best ways to sift through and extract the most meaningful data for marketers.

Call Intelligence is the Next Logical Step

You can achieve even more meaningful results when you integrate data from your external sales tools such as Salesforce and AdWords. Not only can your marketing team understand the complexities of the customer’s journey, they can view the effectiveness of a PPC campaign, the pages the prospect visited on your company website and for how long, and when the prospect decided to make a phone call.
With knowledge about the real reason for phone calls, your company can tie inquiries and sales conversions to specific marketing campaigns. This makes it much easier to optimize both budgets and marketing campaigns in the future.
It doesn’t take long to make a clear case for Call Intelligence. However, you may still be wondering how Call Intelligence advancements can truly impact the brand experience for your customers. We tackle that question next.

The Role of Your Marketing Team in Forming a Customer’s Brand Experience

Marketers should already recognize their own role in creating and managing the buying experience for customers. Despite this, they also need to understand that it is the customer who sets the agenda for brands and not the company trying to sell them. It sets your company at a competitive disadvantage if the marketing team doesn’t know how to effectively communicate with the audience it’s trying to reach.
At CallSumo, we use technology that delivers personalized and data-rich communication to help your company increase its total visitors and provide a perfect experience for each customer. Naturally, people can request more information or schedule an appointment online. Most still tend to prefer speaking to a live person for more complex questions because they would like someone to address their issues directly.
With dynamic telephone numbers in place due to Call Intelligence, it’s possible to track the journey of each caller from the time he or she made the first online click to making a phone call to your business. When the call comes in, Call Intelligence routes it to the most appropriate person to answer the caller’s questions without having to transfer the call to anyone else. The customer never sees the request type and location data taking place in the background that makes it simple to personalize the call.
No one likes to go through several rounds of voice prompts only to get transferred again once they finally reach someone. This is a surefire way to irritate and eventually lose a customer.
Another thing marketers need to know is that conversion rates for paid searches continue to rise. The number of people asking questions of businesses by phone has at least doubled since the introduction of the technology.

Don’t Hang Up on the Phone Just Yet

While not all organizations rely on phone calls and not every prospective customer likes using the phone, it continues to be a preference of many. One reason for this is that it offers greater human connection at a time when chatbots and related technology seems to be taking most customer interactions.
Companies that handle phone calls well, including customer complaints and routing them to the right person the first time, just do better than companies that overlook the importance of phone calls. People truly appreciate helpful, friendly, and competent staff when they take the time to call a business. Of course, representatives with the opposite qualities can repel customers to the point that they never return.
Customers are the ones in charge today, which means your organization must do what it takes to keep them satisfied. Call Intelligence is an important tool in building both personalization and loyalty.


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