AI and Marketing: Robot-proofing Your Job

New technologies that use artificial intelligence (AI) are appearing at a rapid rate in everyday life. Siri by Apple or Alexa by Amazon, two well-known voice-recognition programs, are just one example of this. Another is the image recognition employed by both Google and Facebook. Most people in developed nations use one of these applications daily, which is why AI has gained such acceptance and momentum. Understanding AI and Why It Has Become So Popular The association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence describes it as the ability to employ scientific understanding to understanding human intellect and thought and ascribing these characteristics to machines. In 2016, the World Economic Forum chose AI as one of the top 10 emerging technologies of the year. It earned this distinction for its ability to transform industries and improve the daily lives of people across the globe. Big data has improved many applications by combining the power of AI with social awar...