
Showing posts from December, 2018

AI and Marketing: Robot-proofing Your Job

New technologies that use artificial intelligence (AI) are appearing at a rapid rate in everyday life. Siri by Apple or Alexa by Amazon, two well-known voice-recognition programs, are just one example of this. Another is the image recognition employed by both Google and Facebook. Most people in developed nations use one of these applications daily, which is why AI has gained such acceptance and momentum. Understanding AI and Why It Has Become So Popular The association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence describes it as the ability to employ scientific understanding to understanding human intellect and thought and ascribing these characteristics to machines. In 2016, the World Economic Forum chose AI as one of the top 10 emerging technologies of the year. It earned this distinction for its ability to transform industries and improve the daily lives of people across the globe. Big data has improved many applications by combining the power of AI with social awar...

The Important Role AI Plays in Marketing

Marketers can’t deliver relevant advertisements and messages to consumers unless they understand their motivations and behaviors. This requires following, collecting, and analyzing the digital trail of consumers to understand their demographics and psychology. Artificial intelligence (AI) allows marketers to analyze a consumer’s behavior in-depth and then predict his or her next action based on previous actions. AI makes predictive assumptions about people in a company’s demographics to help the business understand the desires, motivations, and actions of those it wishes to convert as customers. To see how this looks in practice, assume that one group of people took three specific actions. Thanks to AI, marketers can then accurately predict that a similar group will take the same third step after completing the first two steps in the same manner. This type of predictive analysis is how advertising platforms and computers create what is known as a lookalike aud...

Flashy vs Usable: Discerning Trends in Analytics that are Business Ready

Today’s business owners need artificial intelligence (AI), embedded analytics, and natural language processing to analyze trends and be prepared for the future. Call Sumo provides all three. AI has surpassed big data AI, which consists of deep learning and machine learning, is now more relevant than big data. However, we don’t recommend that businesses seek to replace manual analytical tasks performed by humans with AI. A more suitable acronym for AI is assistive intelligence. In this scenario, the skills of a human analyst are complemented by machine learning algorithms and advanced analytics capabilities embedded into a program. These smart capabilities help organizations prepare and integrate data as well as detect correlations and patterns. Accessibility of analytics improved by natural interactions Business professionals often confuse Natural Language Generation (NLG) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). It’s true that both provide natural interactions with...

How Artificial Intelligence Redefines “Search”

Not making a decision might be the path of least resistance, but it’s making a decision all the same. When you do nothing, things will still eventually change and you will have to deal with the consequences of your inactions whether you want to or not. The concept carries over to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning as well. It’s already happening, and its impact is becoming more apparent every day. Even if you choose to ignore machine learning advances, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t having a big impact on AI. These changes affect the way you do business whether you realize it or not. Although the principles of AI can seem complex, deciding to adapt it is easy. Either you jump in and get acquainted with different ways of doing things or decide not to learn and hope for the best. This isn’t a judgment call since every business must make daily decisions about marketing, operations, customer service, and many other things. Because of this, this decision on whet...

Debunking Myths About Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has had a dramatic impact on numerous industries in its short life. Some of the most prominent include retail, finance, media, and healthcare. Organizations in developed countries across the world are enjoying the freedom of not having to hire workers to complete manual, tedious tasks. That is because AI has made it possible to automate them as well as predict future buying trends with machine learning . AI is Here to Stay and Only Getting Bigger Markets and Markets, a nationwide research firm, estimates a growth in the AI market to $5.05 billion by the year 2020. This is due to many companies willing to take a chance on natural language processing and machine learning technologies. It can also be attributed to consumers enthusiastically embracing the Internet of Things (IoT). By as early as 2018, industry experts predict that six billion connected computers, smartphones, and other devices will request assistance from an AI platform. Despit...