How Small Businesses Can Benefit from Call Tracking

As a small business owner, you already know that you have to make the best of a limited marketing budget. You simply don’t have the time or money to waste on campaigns that produce disappointing results. You need reliable tools and campaigns to show what’s working and what you need to scrap. Call tracking is an excellent resource to assist you in analyzing different campaigns. It also allows you to listen and truly hear what your customers say so you can help them obtain the greatest value for their money. Digital Marketing Depot reports that people who end up at a landing page only follow through with a sale less than 10 percent of the time. Sometimes it’s as low as two percent. That’s discouraging, but did you know that phone calls can produce conversions as much as 80 percent of the time? This may sound surprising in our virtual world, but people still crave and value human contact. It’s a costly mistake to assume that most of your sales will come through your webs...