Not All Call Tracking Created Equal

People who know Call Tracking How far most get you How far Call Sumo gets you Allow me to explain I recently realized that when I say Call Tracking and when others in the Dental Industry say Call Tracking , we’re talking about different things! It may not sound like a big deal at first glance, but I’ve spoken with CEOs of other Call Tracking companies in the Dental Space and they said, “Wow, that’s pretty cool, but that’s not what we mean by call tracking”. This is understandable because they approach call tracking as keeping track of how your calls are being handled, and it’s a perfectly fine thing to do. They may even throw in some analytics here and there. But, I have to emphasize: “ We don’t do the same things” . Old School Call Tracking You may not be using a typewriter, but “vanity metrics” along with hours of phone calls you have to listen to, you might as well dust off the old typewriter and tabulate you...